Experimental Field Trip Planning Productivity Tool

NOTE: The backend has been shutdown. The full version that was at https://app-lagdal.azurewebsites.net/ is no longer operational

To help explore for outcrops in an area you'll be in, use the topographic map to identify where their could be cliffs, road cuts, or other types of exposed rock. Clicking on a point will bring up details on the bedrock geology near the surface based on the Macrostrat API. If a Google Streetview image is available near where was clicked, it will appear in lower right. All combined will make it relatively easy to find outcrops in an area that show the different geologic units.

A Streetview image will appear here once a click is registered near a photo location. Click near major roads.

Last Clicked Point





Rocks at clicked point

sometimes top 2 layers, sometimes 2 sources

For the version of this with a working AI generative field trip stop description capability, see https://app-lagdal.azurewebsites.net/

code repository = https://github.com/JustinGOSSES/LAGDAL