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Tessel2 halloween

Playground for creating a Tessel2+motion sensor+speaker+web server halloween project inside a pumpkin

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Playground for creating a Tessel2+speaker+web server halloween project inside a plastic pumpkin

Experiments folders holds trials and working parts

speaking_pumpkin folder holds the lastest working prototype


Equipment I might use on this project in the future

Capabilities and Basic Set-Up:


Enables a user to press buttons on a web application that trigger different halloween-themed mp3 sounds or a message read via text-to-speech capabilities the are emitted from inside a pumpkin. Given these can be triggered from a distance, you can have your pumpkin talk and interact with trick-or-treaters without you being physically present.

Installation (for the working prototype folder: speaking pumpkin):

  1. Get your tessel up and running and try out basic projects.
  2. clone this repo onto your local machine
  3. cd into the repo and then cd into speaking_pumpkin
  4. run npm start. This should install tessel-av node package, which handles the audio-visual.
  5. t2 run pumpkin.js or t2 push pumpkin.js
  6. your terminal should give you the local address and port on which the html page is running. Turn your computer or phone wifi to the tessel2's local wifi access point name. Go to that address given to you by the terminal. You should see the index.html page rendered in your browser. Press one of the buttons. A LED should change on the tessel and the speaker should make the noise.

Problems to avoid:

Tests in Production!

PARTY - This worked okay but wasn't great in a loud party setting as it was hard to encourage people to get candy from the pumpkin and trigger the sounds via a web application at the same time.

Used to give candy to trick-or-treaters. - Sounds triggered from inside the house using the web application. The person triggering the sounds wasn't in view of anyone outside. This worked pretty well. Although only a few people got scared / surprised, most found it entertaining and several small children engaged the pumpkin in conversation.

---- this is a work in progress, I'll upate more later -------

early photo: alt text