Source code for predictatops.main

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    The module of predictatops merely holds a few utility functions leveraged by other modules.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import itertools
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# %matplotlib inline
import welly
from welly import Well
import lasio
import glob
from sklearn.externals import joblib

### """Main module."""

[docs]def printHello(): """ This function simply prints a hello message for testing. """ print("hello, you've run the main module")
[docs]def load_prev_results_at_path(full_path_to_results_file, key="df"): """ A function used to return a dataframe of wells stored in an h5 file at a given path with a given key. Parameters ---------- full_path_to_results_file: string A path to a .h5 file that contains a wells dataframe. key: string A string representation of a key used to find the dataframe in the h5 file whose path is defined by the full_path_to_results_file argument. Returns ------- wells_df_from_wellsKNN: dataframe Returns a dataframe of wells that existed at the path defined in the full_path_to_results_file argument. """ wells_df_from_wellsKNN = pd.read_hdf(full_path_to_results_file, key=key) return wells_df_from_wellsKNN
[docs]def getMainDFsavedInStep(path_to_results, path_to_directory, file_name, ending): """ A function used to return a dataframe of data stored in a file at a given path. Not specific to a dataframe of wells in h5 file like load_prev_results_at_path. Parameters ---------- path_to_results: string A path to a top-level results folder. path_to_directory: string A path to a folder within the results folder that has the file in question. file_name: string A path to a file within the path_to_results and path_to_directory arguments. ending: string String representation of the file type like ".h5" or ".csv". It should include the dot! Returns ------- full_path_to_results_file: string Returns a string representation of the full path to the file in question. """ dir_path = path_to_results + "/" + path_to_directory full_path_to_results_file = dir_path + "/" + file_name + ending return full_path_to_results_file
[docs]def get_df_results_from_step_X(output_data_inst, directory, filename, key="df"): """ Another function used to return a dataframe stored in an h5 file at a given path with a given key. Parameters ---------- output_data_inst: string A path to a folder with previously output data. directory: string A folder within the directory defined by the 'output_data_inst' that holds a file. key: string A string representation of a key used to find the dataframe in the h5 file. Default is "df". Returns ------- wells_df_of_results: dataframe Returns a dataframe of wells that existed at the path defined via the given input arguments. """ #### get parts of the path to the resulting dataframe from wellsKN from the output_data_inst variable ending = output_data_inst.default_results_file_format base_path_for_all_results = output_data_inst.base_path_for_all_results ##### combine all those variables into a single full_path_to_features_results = getMainDFsavedInStep( base_path_for_all_results, directory, filename, ending ) ##### load dataframe from full path wells_df_of_results = load_prev_results_at_path(full_path_to_features_results, key) return wells_df_of_results
[docs]def getJobLibPickleResults(output_data_inst, subfolder, filename): """ Another function used to generate the string representation of the path to a pickle file and then returns that pickled datafile. Parameters ---------- output_data_inst: string A path to a folder with previously output data. subfolder: string A folder within the directory defined by the 'output_data_inst' that holds a file. filename: string Name of the file in question. Returns ------- joblib.load(full_path_to_pickle): dataframe Returns a dataframe that exists at the path defined via the given input arguments. """ full_path_to_pickle = ( output_data_inst.base_path_for_all_results + "/" + subfolder + "/" + filename ) return joblib.load(full_path_to_pickle)