Source code for predictatops.plot

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

########## imports ########
import os
import folium

# print(folium.__version__)
import branca.colormap as cm
import os
import math

# env = %env
# pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 2000)

center2 = [54.840471, -110.269399]
zoom2 = 6

linear2 = cm.LinearColormap(
    ["#edf8b1", "#7fcdbb", "#2c7fb8", "#273891"], vmin=-100, vmax=75


[docs]def depth_color(depth): if math.isnan(depth): print(" math.isnan(depth) => ", depth) return "blue" else: depth = float(depth) if depth >= 50: color = "#3182bd" elif depth > 10 and depth < 50: color = "#9ecae1" elif depth > -10 and depth < 10: color = "green" elif depth > -50 and depth < -10: color = "#ffeda0" elif depth > -150 and depth < -50: color = "#feb24c" elif depth > -300 and depth < -150: color = "#f03b20" else: color = "blue" return color
[docs]def depth_color3(depth, colorMap): if math.isnan(depth): print("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ' ' or nan is in depth => ", depth) color = "#000000" else: depth = float(depth) print("depth in colormap 3", depth) color = colorMap(depth) print("color = ", color) return color
[docs]def makeMap_1(no_zeros_df): m5 = folium.Map(center2, tiles="Stamen Toner", zoom_start=zoom2) list_df_for_map = no_zeros_df.values.tolist() for row in list_df_for_map[0:]: print( "location = ", row[1:3], " and depth is", row[12:13][0], " and UWI is ", row[3:4][0], ) folium.CircleMarker( location=row[1:3], radius=2, color=depth_color(row[13:14][0]), fill=True, # popup=folium.Popup(str(row[9:10][0])+ " & depth Top McMurray=", parse_html=True) # popup=folium.Popup(str(row[9:10][0]+ ", depth Top McMurray="+str(row[15:16][0])), parse_html=True) ).add_to(m5) return m5
[docs]def saveFoliumMap(map_m5):".", "MM_Top_Depth_Real_v_predBy_NN1thick_v2.html"))