Gource image

Gource – Log Visualization Tool

At work, I put projects I complete into our group’s gallery of data-visualization work. It is good internal marketing for what our group can deliver. Unfortunately, even behind a NASA firewall, there are some things I can’t put in the gallery. Examples have included data visualizations of human resource data and Read more…

ISS Fly Over

ISS = International Space Station Earlier this week someone came into my office at work and asked to borrow three of our beanbags, so they could have recently returned astronauts sit in them while doing a facebook live-stream event. Apparently, it has become tradition. That prompted me to google ISS Read more…

Screenshot of menu options for different default data visualization types.

Data Visualization Compilations

A Compilation of Data Visualization Compilations: There are a wide variety of tools out there for data visualization. Some nice people have come up with compilations of their favorite tools. Other people have created galleries of really outstanding data visualizations that you can use as inspiration. Over the past year, Read more…

zoomed in screenshot of map of places Justin Gosses has done geology.

CartoDB & Online Mapping

Online Mapping: Recently, I’ve been improving my skills in both GIS, web development, and programming. As such, exploring online mapping services and methods, like leaflet, Mapbox and CartoDB, was on the “to do” list. Both CartoDB and Mapbox are sites that allow you to build maps on their webpage and then embed Read more…