Excessive Pong
Another project for the online python class was to build your own version of the home arcade game, pong. The project applied what we had previously learned about user interface, use of time functions, lists, dictionaries, etc.
The project instructions stipulated that the ball speed should include a certain percentage each time it hit a paddle to limit the length of each game. I added a bunch of other “features” of my own making to make it “excessive” pong.
Extra settings included:
- ball color choice
- semi-perfect computer player
- sloppy computer player
- computer player on one or both sides
- two more balls
- too many balls
- a curve ball mode
- and a teleporter
The left side of the window below contains the code I wrote that makes up the game. To play “Excessive Pong”, hit the play button on the screen below. Use W & S keys to move the paddle for the left player. Up and Down arrows move the paddle for the right sided player. To activate the various “play options” buttons that appear on the left side of the pop-up, click them once. Clicking them again will de-activate.
I am using CodeSkulptor to run my python code in your browser. CodeSkulptor is a very nice tool, but it does have limitations. You must have pop-ups enabled to play, can’t run it on a mobile device, and older browsers may or may not work. Safari works inconsistently. Firefox works the best.